i am so happy and so lucky to have old friends already in place in san diego. it's never easy starting over in a new city, but this time, i'm finding i don't have to. my fantabulous friend becky married since i last saw her in san francisco (and is also now pregnant!), and she and her husband moved down to encinitas. i've had a really great time catching up with her and getting to know her hubby ian.
over the 4th of july, despite being pregnant and all, becky did what she did best which was play hostess. she laid out a pretty amazing spread. i was quite partial to the guacamole and grilled vegan sausages. i met some of her oldest friends and also her family. let me just say, they all had some really cute kids.
i'm a sopranos
freak. i also haven't seen the final episodes yet (c'mon netflix!!), and due to some serious evasion tactics, i've managed to miss the spoilers. amazing, right? at one point they all decided to discuss the finer points of the last episodes and i bolted away to hang with the kiddies.

(i think i'd skip the watermellon and nibble those cheeks if i could.)