this was a truly DC wedding! don't get me wrong, virginia and maryland are beautiful too, but i get really excited when i get shoot closer to home- especially when i get to see the 'everyday' from a totally different perspective and get to go inside places i probably would not amble to on my own. it's even better when it's via party bus and there's no "where do i park?" logistics and with a couple as great as julie and mitch.
the day started for me getting ready with the boys at the Capitol Hill Suites, in you guessed it, Capitol Hill. right across the street was St. Joseph's Church. you can't get more convenient than that. after some good natured horsing around and a few heinies to calm the nerves, the boys walked across the street to await the lovely Julie. the church was pretty and the ceremony was quite touching.
after the ceremony we jumped on the party bus and headed around the Mall. that was cooooool. i wanna go again! the weather was a bit iffy, but it held out and we got some great shots in front of the capitol and around the WWII memorial. julie also gets a special award for being a trooper and doing some serious walking in her fancy shoes for photo purposes. way to sacrifice the body for art!
the reception was held as the DAR Constitution Hall. amazing! i haven't been in anything quite so exquisite and just so very DC. it was a lovely place for a reception and views were incredible.
i believe this was what was going through my mind when i stepped out of the reception hall and caught sight of the washington monument and had a ... let's call it.. "let's make this wedding about me" moment. first, let me say, we pride ourselves in really trying to blend into the background. but, as apparently it can happen.. i fell in front of about 150 people in the middle of a giant rotunda. let me tell you what kind of sound it makes when someone carrying two giant cameras wipes out on a marble floor in an acoustically favorable environment. i couldn't have screamed "hey, everyone look at me!" any more efficiently had tried. i prayed to the calgon gods, but nope, nuthin.
the rest of evening was spectacular. they hired a band and there was plenty of dancing. the little red headed cuties came out and put on quite a show on the dance floor. all in all, "gorgeous" would be the word I would use to describe the entire day.

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