Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cassidy + Sean. Casa de Los Flores, Pauma Valley

i should be sleeping in preparation for the early flight to the WPPI conference tomorrow.. but i couldn't wait to post these! i had SO much fun today. cassidy and sean are so sweet and obviously awesome together. i'm so so so thankful they invited me to be part of this day. it was so intimate, beautiful and just all around wonderful.

so many amazing photos of her, i had no idea which one to post. she just looked awesome.

sean, thinking he had some private time before the ceremony.. i felt a bit like i was spying, but this was just one of the coolest moments of the day watching him prepare himself before the big moment.

the emotions were running so strong! i almost started crying!

i love this shot. this was not a posed portrait. he was patiently waiting for her to remove her vail and rejoin the cupcake party.

the grounds offered endless places to stroll through and shoot. i could've kept them for hours.

the cutting of the cupcake. my favorite quote of the day, not so much of a quote- but it came from sean who was so emotionally choked up it took him a full minute to say thanks to everyone for coming out.

cassidy and sean- you're a sweet and amazing couple. i wish you guys the best! thanks again for having me!!

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